21 Types Of Content We Crave (INFOGRAPHIC)

NOTE: This post originally appeared on ContentMarketingInstitute.com back on June 5, 2012.

Before their site redesign, the number of times it had been tweeted was over 800 times.

If your content doesn’t resonate with your audience, then they won’t follow you where you want to take them. For content marketers, this is a cardinal sin.

The Key Question Is:
What kind of content universally resonates with people?

To help you, I’ve created a list of 21 types of content we all love to consume.

21 types of content we crave infographic

You need to understand:

  • This is the kind of content we never get tired of.
  • This is the kind of content we always have time for.
  • This is the kind of content we don’t forget.
  • And this is the kind of content we want to share with others.

This is the kind of content we must create if our goal is to influence, inspire, and move to action the unique group of people we have chosen to reach.

You don’t have to have each of these types in every piece of content you produce. Sometimes one type is enough. For longer forms of content, you might want to use multiple types of content and move from one to the other.


  1. Print out this list and put it somewhere you can see it regularly to help you develop irresistible content as part of your content strategy.
  2. Regularly pick one or more items from this list and ask yourself one of these questions:
  • Does the content I am writing meet this criteria?
  • What can I do to make the content I’m creating fall under this category?
  • Do you have any more types of content that you’d add to this list? Post them in the comments.

Please pass this onto your friends, colleagues and followers if you found it helpful.

**You are welcome to post it on your blog or site.

(*A link back would be to this site would be very much appreciated.)

NOTE: If you would like to see the original post on ContentMarketingInstitute.com, then go here.

To see the 10 additional types of content, then click here.


If you would like to learn more about how you can weave this type of content together in ways that will allow you to capture the attention of your prospects and customers, then click here to learn more.